This is what happens when ballot harvesting is legal and there is no voter ID.
California shifted red in 2024 with 40% of the voters in the Golden State voting for President Trump.

Trump carried the down ballot and flipped several blue counties red in California, however, Democrat David Min defeated Republican Scott Baugh in Orange County’s bright red District 47 one week after Election Day.

Scott Baugh is the former Assembly Republican leader and endorsed by President Trump.
Democrat David “DUI” Min is a radical leftist who served as a California state senator.
Min is against voter ID and introduced a senate bill which prohibited local governments from imposing voter ID requirements.
“Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) announced the Senate’s passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1174, which prohibits local governments from imposing voter identification (ID) requirements in local elections and reinforces the State of California’s exclusive jurisdiction on the matter. The bill passed off of the Senate Floor on a 30-8 vote and has moved over to the Assembly.” Min’s office announced earlier this year.
“The Senate’s passage of SB 1174 sends a clear message: local jurisdictions do not have the authority to enact their own voter ID requirements in contravention of California state law,” said Senator Dave Min.
David Min was also arrested for drunk driving in Sacramento last year. Min’s blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit when he was arrested.
CHP released video of his DUI arrest.
David Min defeated Scott Baugh 50.9% to 49.1% one week after Election Day.

Scott Baugh conceded late Tuesday evening.
It has become clear that despite running a strong campaign, connecting with voters, and mobilizing an incredible volunteer effort – that effort is going to come up a little short. I am grateful to an outstanding campaign team and the most dedicated supporters any candidate could…
— Scott Baugh (@ScottBaughCA47) November 13, 2024
Scott Baugh did not immediately respond to request for comment.
The post Democrat David “DUI” Min Defeats Republican Scott Baugh in Orange County’s Bright Red District 47 One Week After Election Day appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.