Please donate to Chris Kuehne and his young family at his GiveSendGo page.
Chris Kuehne, a January 6 political prisoner, Marine veteran, and American patriot, who sacrificed years of his life for his country, was released from prison on Friday in California.
Chris called the Gateway Pundit upon his release today. He was thrilled to be free once again. This comes days after President Trump won reelection in the 2024 presidential election.
You may recall that the FBI raided Chris’s home in the dead of winter and forced his wife to stand outside in the bitter cold while they raided the family’s home. His wife, Annette lost the baby following the trauma of the incident. She suffered a miscarriage the next day following the trauma and abuse by US government agents.
Chris sent this message to the Gateway Pundit minutes ago following his release
Please donate to Chris Kuehne and his young family at his GiveSendGo page.
US Veteran and American Patriot Chris Kuehne entered prison in September in California.
The Gateway Pundit featured Chris and Annette Kuehne’s story in previous posts which went viral. Annette lost her baby the day after vicious FBI agents raided her home and forced her and her son to stand outside in freezing weather.
One month later, in the early morning of February 11, 2021 Chris, his four-year-old child, and his wife Annette, who was pregnant at the time were awakened to sirens, cell phone rings, and bursts of colorful lights reflecting through our windows.
Annette later went public about the raid, she said:
“The FBI instructed Chris to come outside immediately. Our 4-year-old was awakened from the chaos, and I picked him up and ran downstairs to open the front door. Our house, street and neighboring streets were completely surrounded by armed FBI and law enforcement. It was a scene that we see so many times in the movies, but now it was here at my house!
There were three large armored tactical vehicles parked on my front, side and back yard, and police vehicles that extended throughout the entire community. I open the door, and for a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I. We were covered by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on our bodies.”
You can read more on this tragic story below:
Annette sent TGP an update on their family’s story and the raid on their home. Read below:
Hi Jim,
I wanted to let you know that we are praying for you too, we all need to get through this political persecution, weaponization, and lawfare. None of us should have to go through this.
It took over 3 years for us to find out this information, because of the RING doorbell video I shared with the Gateway Pundit.
The FBI informant “James Ehren Knowles/AKA Aaron/AKA Jimmy/AKA Tracksuit” and FBI whistleblower Garrett O’Boyle are connected to my husband Chris Kuehne’s case.
There is alot here, there is even more. Here is a start to finally make sense of what happened.
These two images are from the Kyle Seraphin’s podcast. Kyle posted his interview with FBI whistleblower Garrett O’Boyle days after the Gateway Pundit shared our RING video on February 24, 2024 (I attached the RING Doorbell link with subtitles for quick reference).
Special Agent (SA) Garrett O’Boyle took this picture (a powerful picture that brought me back to that very day of the raid) of a BearCat vehicle on our front yard with headlights shining on our American flag of our then-home in Kansas on the day of the FBI raid February 11, 2021.
Link: The Reasonableness Standard | EP 253 | THE KYLE SERAPHIN SHOW | 28FEB2024 9:30A | LIVE (rumble.com)

Please, I encourage you to listen to this podcast to learn more of Chris’ case (at first it made me upset and I felt insulted of what they said about the Gateway Pundit because that is our story, but then I realized that they just don’t know).
Go to the 6-minute mark through the 47:40-minute mark. Then at the 1:04:27 mark.
SA O’Boyle states that out of the three J6 raids that were conducted on February 11, 2021, this is the one he felt hesitant about.
The briefing was bifurcated and they were told that Chris is a veteran of the Marine Corps, that he has weapons, this was a key factor to using FBI swat.
Kyle Seraphin responds to Garrett that as you told me earlier “there is an allegation that he was manufacturing guns”.
SA O’Boyle states that another part of this particular incident was an “allegation that Chris was manufacturing weapons in his basement and that, for some reason it was illegal like he was he didn’t have an FFL…that was the key part as to why they wanted to use swat “.
SA O’Boyle didn’t know Chris was communicating with a CHS (Chris didn’t know he was communicating with a CHS on J6 either), “so like, I didn’t then I don’t even know if I knew he was communicating with a CHS or that a CHS was with him and his group from Kansas at the Capitol”.
SA O’Boyle: “by the time Christopher Kuehne comes out, his arm is in a sling and it’s like case agent didn’t brief us up on that, do you really think a guy who just had shoulder surgery or whatever happened is a threat???”
Kyle Seraphin states, “for an agency (FBI) to lightly use that force, which is in fact an incredible strong force it’s very it’s very damaging to the trust of those within it.
That’s why FBI moral right now, is so low. Many people at that time where Garrett was at did not know, could not know, it is compartmentalized.
And so the question is this; at that time can we really say that the people that were on that raid that went in and did the thing they were being ordered, they have a judges order to affect an arrest, they have been briefed that this person is a threat, and they have no reason to doubt otherwise.
Today, they have no reason to believe otherwise and that’s a big difference.”
The FBI raid on our home took place on February 11, 2021. What is interesting is that the FBI informant James Ehren Knowles; AKA “Aaron”; AKA Jimmy; AKA “Tracksuit”; was debriefed by the FBI several times after January 6, 2021.
According to FBI Reporting Document(s) “Aaron” informed the KC FBI that “Chris WAS an FFL dealer and he even provided Chris’ telegram username ‘shot308.'”
So, the FBI was briefed by “Aaron” on January 13, 2021, that Chris WAS an FFL dealer, and a month later the FBI case agent briefed the FBI swat team that Chris was making illegal weapons in his basement? The FBI lied.
With a quick search in the NICS database which is a firearms background check, the FBI could have enterred Chris Kuehne’s name and would have known that he was a legal gun owner, he was an FFL dealer, and he had a business.
Why didn’t the FBI do this check??? Why did they raid our home using that force in that manner and do this to our family?
Why did the FBI ask me if I had any security camera in or at our home? Why did the FBI cover our RING doorbell with paper & tape?
All of this could be verified in the following link(s):

These photos below were taken days later, when the snow began to melt. You could clearly see the force that was used at our home from the front (towards the front door) and side yard (by the garage driveway).
There was also a BearCat in the rear of the home. It was so traumatic looking out our windows/doors and seeing all the footsteps of FBI agents/law enforcement and 3 sets of tire treadmarks of the BearCats for all those days until the sun melted the snow and new grass grew.

In this image below, “from criminal complaint and arrest warrant” it shows Chris Kuehne and Billy Chrestman are circled in red. This image was shared with the media and when I began looking into this, the first thing I noticed was “the guy who actually has his hands on the podium”.
Who was this guy? Why wasn’t he circled in red? Was he indicted?
Is there another CCTV camera angle that will show the guy walking towards the podium? I quickly realized my husband was framed. I have been silent about this, and it has affected me.
The guy who was busy moving the podium walked toward the podium, got out of the CCTV camera frame, (but one could conclude that a person would push from behind) the podium then returns to the CCTV camera frame and you see who we all have come to know is the FBI informant “Aaron” busy moving the podium toward the garage roll up doors.”
“Aaron was communicating with his handler in real time.”
The FBI informant states during his debriefing why he moved the podium (see images below), so he had the “forethought.”
Today, Chris Kuehne is a felon and is sitting in federal prison because of this!!!

“Aaron” later explained to his FBI handlers that the reason to move the podium was to prevent rioters from tearing it down and using the metal pieces of the gate as weapons.” This statement demonstrates that the FBI informant “planted the seed” to entrap and frame Chris Kuehne.
Capt. Kuehne, USMC (Ret.) was targeted, set up/entrapped/framed.
Capt. Kuehne, USMC (Ret.) has worked hard all his life and served his country honorably for over 20 years in the Marine Corps. The government and media labeled my husband:
My husband is not any of those labels (image above) he especially isn’t a domestic terrorist. My husband was deployed to Iraq to fight real terrorists.
In Chris’ final deployment in Iraq 2006, a real terrorist an ISIS suicide bomber detonated himself in his vehicle just feet away from Chris.
The impact was so powerful that Chris was thrown in the air, landing on his head/neck leaving him unconscious (according to witnesses).
Chris was medevacked out of Ramidi, Iraq. Because of this ISIS terrorist, Chris has struggled with many medical conditions both visible and invisible that are permanent.
It has been 5 days today that Chris has been deprived of his freedom by the Biden/Harris regime.
They have successfully revoked his freedom. The federal prison has not been able to accommodate his medical needs on this 5th day of imprisonment.
The very government who sent him to fight and where he was injured as a result is depriving Chris of his spinal cord stimulator for pain management, cpap machine, hearing aid, and medications that are needed.
The government and media dragged him through this is unjust judicial system.
They labeled/branded/stigmatized/defamed/ stereotyped and created barriers. Our family has been through hell for the past 3 plus years. Our family has been significantly impacted by this weaponized system in every way.
The hard part is the damage is done.
Truth takes time, it is a test of our patience, it is a test of our fortitude, it is a test of our struggles, but eventually it is revealed.
If you would like to help: GiveSendGo | Fight for Freedom
Christopher Kuehne is being criminally prosecuted in DC federal court for his role in the January 6 protest that made its way into the Capitol. He is facing …
The post EXCLUSIVE: American Patriot and Marine Veteran Chris Kuehne Released from Prison – Sends Gateway Pundit Audience a Moving Video Upon His Release appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.