According to a report in The College Fix, conservative students at UPenn are facing threats and alienation. Though this is sadly par for the course at institutions of higher education, it remains unacceptable.
UPenn’s College Republicans chapter told The Daily Pennsylvanian “that conservative students are becoming more reluctant to vocalize their support for Trump, ‘as open discussion is often met with hostility, alienation, or even threats,’” the school newspaper reported Thursday.
“The majority of Americans have voted for Trump, which speaks volumes about the concerns and needs they believe he addresses for all Americans—yet here on campus, many mischaracterize this choice with hyperbolic, misinformed rhetoric rather than seeking to understand it,” the group said in a written statement to the student newspaper.
The students allege conservatives have been demonized and assumed to want to strip other students of their rights. This is sadly consistent with what’s come to be expected from our universities.
In addition, according to The College Fix, “another student, freshman Jacques Papescu, said “many conservative students are afraid to speak up about their views as “people will sever ties simply over political beliefs.”
“The University of Pennsylvania was one of multiple Ivy League schools where faculty canceled classes over Trump’s victory.” Somehow one doubts they did the same when Bill Clinton or Barack Obama won.
“Neuroscience Professor Michael Kaplan canceled his classes the day after the election “for his own well-being” and to adhere to his policy against political discussions during lectures. He said it seemed “ridiculous” to lecture without addressing the election, The College Fix previously reported.”
“Similarly, anthropology Professor Caroline Jones postponed an exam in response to numerous emails from students worried about focusing on their studies immediately after the election results.”
The schools are panicking because it’s clear support among college students and young people in general for conservatives and President Trump specifically has increased.
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