Rep. Rachelle Smit, the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Michigan House of Representatives, is a Republican from Allegan County on the west side of the Wolverine state. She was one of the few State Representatives nationwide endorsed personally by Donald Trump in the 2022 elections. Smit has been busy rising through the ranks of leadership in the Republican caucus. During her first term, the Republicans were in the minority by one vote, but now they have a 58-52 majority and Smit has been named the Chair of the Election Integrity Committee and the new Speaker, Matt Hall, has empowered the Oversight committee to coordinate with the Election Integrity Committee to issue legislative subpoenas.
Smit will work closely with Oversight Committee Chair Jay DeBoyer to investigate the many credible accusations of systemic voter fraud happening in Michigan since at least the contested 2020 election.
Smit shared with the Gateway Pundit some examples of key voter fraud throughout Michigan that she wanted to address and investigate because she has been convinced since election night 2020 that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump.
“Even though Trump won in 2024, doesn’t mean our elections are secure. We saw suspicious activity across the state. I think the margins of the wide support, the historic majority that Trump won, made it hard to cheat. As the campaign said, they made it ‘too big to rig’ but that means that we have this very limited time in order to fix these problems if we want to keep our democracy alive,” Chair Smit told the Gateway Pundit.
“Every day we let the lie continue that 2020 was a safe and honest election, we normalize the kind of systemic voter fraud that were documented with a thousand affidavits in Michigan, documented in dozens of video interviews, memorialized by hundreds of eyewitnesses, and that clearly appears in the absentee voter registration data, and the absentee ballot data from election day. I intend to investigate and build this record to make it clear what is going on in our election systems.”
Smit had previously been named as the Minority Vice Chair of the Elections Committee when Democrats were in power for the past two years. Now, Smit is the Chair of the Election Integrity Committee, a position given to her by the new Republican Speaker of the House, Rep. Matt Hall.
Smit tells the Gateway Pundit that things have changed, and polls consistently show a wide majority of the public wants answers about voter fraud. “Polls show even a substantial number of Democrats believe there is systemic voter fraud. It’s hard to look at some of these election results and not be suspicious. Who can think for a moment that Joe Biden received 12 million more votes than Obama in 2008?”
Smit also points to multiple recent voter fraud controversies in Michigan as further fuel for her committee’s investigations.
Last October, a Chinese citizen illegally voted in Michigan’s elections and by the time it was caught, there was nothing that could be done. His vote was still counted. This revealed major problems in the state’s election integrity, when foreign nationals can and are voting in the nation’s elections.
Last August, Project Veritas released video from Hamtramck, Michigan, a city next to Detroit, that had admissions from Democrats about how they used voter fraud to win elections. Pro-Gay Democrats were complaining about other Muslim Democrats who were able to effectively use voter fraud to win and take power.
At the time, Smit was one of the loudest voices condemning this ongoing systemic voter fraud and demanding that the then-Democrat-led legislature take action.
Smit noted the reporting done by The Gateway Pundit on voter fraud in the state’s capital city and its adjoining city East Lansing, where just miles from the capital hundreds of voters were caught voting from addresses that have been empty fields for 20 years.
In September of 2023, Smit noted that foreign voters were clearly voting in our elections as seen in this report by the Gateway Pundit about a clerk who expressed concern about a fraudulent voter registration by a Canadian woman was allowed to vote. When Baldwin Township Clerk Cathy Pittsley tried to notify the corrupt Michigan Secretary of State, she was threatened and coerced to let the foreigner register and vote in the 2020 election.
The month prior, the Gateway Pundit’s exclusive coverage of the Muskegon Voter Registration scandal showed that officials were lying about the extent of documented voter fraud in the 2020 cycle. Local police investigated and found thousands of felonies underway, including fake voter registrations by a canvassing firm hired by major national Democrat firms, alongside major federal firearms felonies. The case was taken over by the far-left Governor Whitmer-controlled Michigan State Police, who then relinquished the case to the corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation, who have sat on the case and done nothing for years.
Smit said she intends to use the power of her committee to give answers to the Michigan public as to what really happened in Muskegon, and finally do the investigation that the exclusive reporting at the Gateway Pundit demanded. Instead of the conspicuous silence by law enforcement, and the continued lies by far-left elites in the state claiming there was no documented fraud in the 2020 election, Smit intends to, as she campaigned on, “Get Smit done.”
The full committee assignments were released yesterday, and the legislative session lasts until December 31, 2026.
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