War Room founder Steve Bannon on Saturday talked about President Trump and how the establishment wanted him to die in Prison. He also discussed the innocent people who were locked up for praying in front of abortion clinics, who President Trump has since pardoned.
Bannon also talked about the corrupt J6 committee and how they need to still be held accountable even though Biden had granted preemptive pardons.
“Don’t think you are gonna get away because we are working nonstop to figure out how you are gonna get nailed because you need to be nailed. That J6 committee was corrupt. And oh, Bennie Thompson over there begging for pardons, blanket preemptive pardons and Liz Cheney that big mouth, running her big mouth all over the country,” Bannon said.
“The right-to-lifers are some of the best people you’ve ever met. Going and kneeling in front of an abortion mill,” Bannon said.
“These are the meekest, mildest, they are almost like living saints. These are people that have dedicated their lives and the least violent people you have ever met. And I mean harsh terms,” Bannon commenting on pro-lifers serving long sentences unjustly.
“Had women over there in their 70’s, in their 70’s, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. These demonic judges. Judges, don’t think you are gonna get a free pass on this,” Bannon saying of judges that locked up pro-life old women.
Bannon had also commented on how J6 was used to try and lock up President Trump even though he was innocent.
“The J6 felony indictments alone were 300 years in prison. 300 years in a Federal Prison,” Bannon said.
“They wanted that man who went to North Carolina, that man, who went to Los Angeles and gave the progressives hope. Finally, an adult showed up with all the yammering and all the nonsense out there,” Bannon continued.
“That man, they wanted to die in a Federal prison. Hey, these Federal prisons are not a day at the beach,” Bannon commented.
“They wanted Trump to die in prison, that hero, that leader. I’m not a part of any Trump cult. I know Trump’s foibles, I know Trump’s shortcomings, I know Trump is not perfect. Nobody is perfect, but he is a blunt force instrument, and he is delivering blunt force trauma,” Bannon said.
Bannon also commented on George and Alex Soros and the evil and corruption surrounding their influence.
“You are evil. Your old man is evil to the core. Shouldn’t even be in this country. You are evil to the core. You are evil to the core. And your evilness and demonic evilness has spread throughout this system. It’s deep in the system and it’s got to be taken out root and branch, and it will be taken out root and branch,” Bannon declared.
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